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Achievable Rewards: N/A $RIDO points
RIDO serves as Web3 personal data layer for AI, building the next-generation trillion-level trusted data marketplace. Your data is transformed into a valuable asset, allowing you to take charge and monetize it. By supporting RIDO's future development, we're launching an airdrop campaign. Now, there are several ways to earn $RIDO points, all on-chain points will be mapped and transformed into RIDO future tokens.

Campaign Guidance
Connect Twitter & Follow RIDO
Follow @rido_crypto on Twitter, and claim this on-chain attestation, $RIDO Points will be automatically credited to your account reward balance once you have completed the attestation task
+ 50 points
Add RIDO to Profile
Add RIDO to your Twitter profile name, and claim this on-chain attestation, $RIDO Points will be automatically credited to your account reward balance once you have completed the attestation task.
+ 50 points
Verify Reputation
If the number of your Twitter followers exceeds 10 and your account has been registered for more than 6 months, you can verify it and claim this on-chain attestation.
+ 50 points
X Mining
X Finding
The maximum of daily claims: 0
Twitter IDPoints
No claimable posts